Mother and children with chicken and eggs that they received from Heifer

Your Chicks Made This Possible

Mother and children with chicken and eggs that they received from Heifer

We recently checked in with Juana Chavez. Juana is part of Heifer’s Women’s Empowerment and Entrepreneurship project in Guatemala and received 65 chickens from Heifer.

Thanks to your generosity, we were able to teach Juana how to best care for her chickens. With the proper care, her chickens can produce enough eggs to feed her family and to sell for reliable income. With strong egg sales, Juana can now provide her children with the food, medicine and education they need to have happy, healthy lives.

woman selling chicken eggs

But what’s more — the benefits of your chicks haven’t just been economic: “My self-worth has increased,” Juana stresses. Juana is using her newfound confidence to speak out on behalf of women’s entrepreneurship in Guatemala. She is an active member of our women’s savings group and a passionate advocate for the project.

Your gift gave more than a flock of chicks — it gave Juana something to be proud of. Now, Juana is excited to pass on her knowledge and encourage other mothers … so they too can give their families bright, hopeful futures.

Thank You

Through your gift of chicks, you’re giving a hand up—not a handout—to families determined to lift themselves out of hunger and poverty…FOREVER. Learn more about your life-changing impact in Guatemala.