Mayan Protection Ceremony Blesses New Bees

In Guatemala, we are helping people living along the sub-basin of the Polochic River and Candelaria in Senahú, Alta Verapaz.

Since May 2012, participants in our PRODESAN Project have been working with cacao, cardamom, coffee and achiote (a savory spice used in cooking) to improve livelihoods.

Residents also raise honey bees for additional income.

Nazaria Sarita Vasquez Vicente, 34, works near one of her beehives in Rancho Viejo village, Guatemala. Photo courtesy of Heifer InternationalNazaria Sarita Vasquez Vicente, 34, works near one of her beehives in Rancho Viejo village, Guatemala. Photo courtesy of Heifer International

Heifer Guatemala field staff recently delivered the gift of bees to the Canguachá community. Their spiritual leaders held a Mayan protection ceremony to bless the honey producers.

According to Mayan belief, bees are part of the hill or mountain, which was created by the god Tzul Taka, meaning Mountain Valley. In the ceremony, they ask Tzul Taka to protect the bees from disease.

Look for the placement of candles in the video, which symbolize protection from all directions. This, along with traditional prayers around the fire, is part of traditional Mayan K'ekchi culture.


Help more families protect their livelihoods by donating bees