Stopping Up Brain Drain

By Austin Bailey

October 3, 2019

Last Updated: October 13, 2010

It's a sticky conundrum for many people in developing countries: Should I stay or should I go? Sure, people have an allegiance to their homes, but who can blame them for seeking out degrees, training and well-paying jobs that are only available elsewhere?

Brain drain is a serious problem in many African countries, where the need for doctors is great but medical schools and well-paying jobs are scarce. In an effort to counteract that, the United States pledged $130 million last week to improve 30 medical schools and teaching hospitals in 12 African countries. The money will be used for scholarships, teaching tools and improved technology. And some of it will go to supplement the salaries of doctors who might otherwise quit or take on second jobs to pay the bills.

You can read more about the plan here.