Honduran Farmers Donate Coffee Amid Covid-19 Crisis

By Heifer International

April 14, 2020

Three men and one woman in masks pose holding big bags full of coffee.
A Heifer farmer cooperative in Honduras is donating coffee to care packages of food and essential goods to help those in their community most vulnerable during the coronavirus crisis. Photo via Heifer Honduras

Farmers in Honduras who are part of Heifer’s project work are expressing their solidarity with their neighbors and those most affected by the pandemic by donating coffee to support packages prepared for poverty-stricken families in San Jose de Colinas, Honduras.

A man poses with a clear bag full of individual sachets of coffee.
Recipients are sure to savor these farmers' fresh coffee.

The farmer cooperative grew, roasted, ground and packed the 8-ounce sachets of high-quality coffee themselves and are part of the “solidarity” bags that are being prepared with funds donated from the central government in order to reach all the people in need in the area. 28 villages will benefit from these support packages, reaching more than 2,000 families most vulnerable in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. The packages include essential food and goods in addition to the coffee provided by Heifer farmers.

Alcides Fernández, administrator of the cooperative, says that in the following weeks they will continue donating coffee for the care packages, which will continue to be provided. Likewise, Heifer coffee technician Francisco Rodriguez has made a vehicle available for the delivery of the packages in rural areas.

The principle of solidarity the members of this farmer cooperative are demonstrating is a testament to the core values that Heifer emphasizes within our projects, especially that of communities taking care of each other. Through its projects and initiatives, Heifer seeks to go beyond technical assistance and entrepreneurship advisory. Our most important goal is that each person involved understands the enormous contribution that each of us can make to change the living conditions of families and communities.

Story by Victor A. Moncada, Heifer Honduras Communications Officer