News & Stories

Insights from Heifer projects and our work with partners to catalyze local solutions for global impact.

Food, Dignity and Hope: Campesinos on their Relationship with the Earth
A woman holds a branch of her coffee tree up and smiles for the camera.


Food, Dignity and Hope: Campesinos on their Relationship with the Earth

Campesino identity is rooted in a deep connection to food, farming and the natural world. In their own words, two campesinos describe this sacred...

A Seat at the Table: Overcoming Caste in India
A portrait image of Kunti Devi.


A Seat at the Table: Overcoming Caste in India

Kunti Devi has spent much of her life defined by others solely by her caste. Supported by Heifer, Kunti is now rising above prejudice, shedding the...

What is a Smallholder Farmer?
A woman inspects a goat in a field in India.

Food & Water

What is a Smallholder Farmer?

Heifer believes ending poverty and hunger begins with agriculture, and smallholder farmers are at the heart of this effort. But what exactly is a...

How Galápagos Island Farmers Are Protecting Their Paradise
A woman and her son crouch next to a watermelon in their greenhouse.


How Galápagos Island Farmers Are Protecting Their Paradise

Alongside the local government, Heifer Ecuador is working with Galápagos Island farmers to build a sustainable food system for one of the...

Food Smart, Climate Smart: 4 Ways Heifer Promotes Sustainable Food Around the World
A close up shot of hands planting a seedling in the ground.


Food Smart, Climate Smart: 4 Ways Heifer Promotes Sustainable Food Around the World

Feeding the world's 7.9 billion people is no small task. Around the globe, Heifer promotes farming processes that increase production, build...

The Real Value of Water
Water splashes over a pair of hands.


The Real Value of Water

Water is the foundation on which farmers everywhere grow food, raise animals, earn income and keep their families healthy — surviving on it in...

Today, We Stand With the People of Ukraine
Two women carry canisters of milk in Ukraine.


Today, We Stand With the People of Ukraine

As we witness millions of lives being upended by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, our hearts remain with the people of the country — and our...

A Celebration of Women Around the World, in Photos
A woman stands in the doorway of her salon in Guatemala.


A Celebration of Women Around the World, in Photos

In honor of International Women’s Day, we’re proud to share the stories of women who are fighting for equality, inclusion and progress for all,...