Man and woman sharing the load while carrying a large bunch of bananas in Rwanda.

Major Gifts

Make a substantial impact with a generous donation.

Man and woman sharing the load while carrying a large bunch of bananas in Rwanda.

A gift or pledge of $10,000 or greater is a significant investment in Heifer’s mission to end hunger and poverty. At this level of giving, the impact of your donation will ripple throughout entire communities, unlocking their potential and lifting them out of systematic poverty.

Your Gift Can:

Woman and girl working together at a well.
  • Accelerate the work of our overall mission by substantially contributing to the expansion of programs around the world
  • Propel small business owners to the next level by providing them the training, funds and collateral they need
  • Initiate financial freedom for families as they are able to diversify and increase their sources of income
  • Shatter gender stereotypes and oppressive gender roles as women gain equal voices in their families and communities
  • Fund our work in a specific country or fund a significant portion of a project in a country
  • Be used as a matching incentive to leverage other corporate, foundation, governmental and/or individual gifts

Benefits to You:

  • A personal relationship with a director of philanthropy who will shepherd you through this transformational commitment
  • In-person and phone updates on how your gift is being used to its full potential
  • Timely reports on the impact of your investment
  • Select mailings
  • Exclusive invitations to special events
  • Special access to Heifer staff, including country office directors and the executive team

Let us match your passions and interests

with areas of great need we address in our projects. Contact the philanthropy director in your region.

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Learn More About How We Operate

Learn more about Our Work.
Two smiling men holding a milk jug and pouring it into a container.

Our Work

Our programs support transformational change from the ground up.

Read More About Our Work
Learn more about Financial Information.
Cash being taken from an envelope in Rwanda.

Financial Information

We use every dollar donated to the best of our ability, and we remain transparent about our financial process with our donors.

Explore our reports About Financial Information

Frequently Asked Questions about Major Gifts

How do I make a major gift?

Major gifts may be made as outright gifts of cash or securities, as pledges payable over a period of time (typically three years) or as planned gifts. Contact a philanthropy director in your area to discuss options. 

Will my gift be restricted or unrestricted?

That is entirely up to you.

Is this an endowment?

A major gift can be applied to our work now or can be placed in the Heifer Foundation endowment. Heifer endowment funds are carefully managed to protect the principal, which grows over time, to make increasing payouts to our mission. Our philanthropy directors can walk you through both gift options.

Find the director for your region now. 

Walk through gift options and potential impact with one of our philanthropy directors. 

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