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blue heifer logo


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Group of Alpacas


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A New Breed of Success Video


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Learn more about Annual Report.
Heifer Staff looking at reports

Annual Report

We are committed to running an efficient, high-performance organization. We believe investments are necessary for meaningful long-term growth. Our financial statements and annual reports are available online for your reference.

Download Annual Report About Annual Report
Learn more about Uganda Covid-19 Impact Study Report.
Cover of Uganda Report featuring men wearing masks

Uganda Covid-19 Impact Study Report

Heifer Uganda decided to conduct a deeper study to understand the effects of COVID-19 on targeted participants, including youth, farmer agri-hubs and other value chain actors such as off-takers and input providers.

Download About Uganda Covid-19 Impact Study Report
Learn more about Impact Capital Fact Sheet.
Dairy workers filter fresh milk at a processing center

Impact Capital Fact Sheet

This two-page PDF gives you a quick overview of Heifer’s Impact Capital program, and why this work is so important.

Download About Impact Capital Fact Sheet
Learn more about Confronting COVID-19.
heifer participant

Confronting COVID-19

Before COVID-19 gripped our projects, we were already beginning to bridge gaps in our food and farming systems. As the months progressed, COVID-19 has made these efforts more urgent. So, our teams began to innovate.

Download About Confronting COVID-19
Learn more about Heifer Brochure.
Two women holding eggs and looking proud

Heifer Brochure

Learn about Heifer’s mission and work around the world with this brochure.

Download Brochure About Heifer Brochure
Learn more about The Future of Africa’s Agriculture: An Assessment of the Role of Youth and Technology.
Agric-Tech Report cover

The Future of Africa’s Agriculture: An Assessment of the Role of Youth and Technology

Agriculture contributes heavily to the GDP of many African countries and it employs more than half of the rural population across the continent. In places like Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi and Zambia, the contribution of agriculture to the economy has created some economic growth.

Download About The Future of Africa’s Agriculture: An Assessment of the Role of Youth and Technology
Learn more about Locally Led Development: A Case Study from Nepal.
Women with a cooperative supported by Heifer International Nepal carry milk cans to an agri transport vehicle

Locally Led Development: A Case Study From Nepal

This case study focuses on Heifer Nepal and its success in its support of sustainable locally led development.

Download Case Study About Locally Led Development: A Case Study from Nepal
Learn more about Sustainable Locally Led Development Fact Sheet.
A participant in a Heifer project pours milk into a bottle

Sustainable Locally Led Development Fact Sheet

This fact sheet explains Heifer’s locally led development approach, defines sustainable locally led development, and discusses why this approach is important.

Download Fact Sheet About Sustainable Locally Led Development Fact Sheet
Learn more about One Health Strategy Document.

One Health Strategy Document

The One Health approach recognizes the interconnectedness of human, animal and environmental health.

Download About One Health Strategy Document
Learn more about A Case Study: Uganda Systems Change.

A Case Study: Uganda Systems Change

How To Use a Systems Approach in Community Development Projects

Download About A Case Study: Uganda Systems Change
Learn more about Capital Deployment Initiative.

Capital Deployment Initiative

Heifer Nepal stepped into the Capital Deployment Initiative by partnering with banks and financial institutions to enhance access to affordable finance for smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs.

View PDF About Capital Deployment Initiative
Learn more about Living Income Benchmarks Fact Sheet.
Part of a map showing regional living income benchmarks

Living Income Benchmarks Fact Sheet

Heifer International calculates living income benchmarks in the 19 countries in which it works.

Download Fact Sheet About Living Income Benchmarks Fact Sheet
Learn more about East Africa Youth Inclusion Program (EAYIP) Learnings.

East Africa Youth Inclusion Program (EAYIP) Learnings

Heifer Uganda, in partnership with Mastercard Foundation, implemented the East Africa Youth Inclusion Program (EAYIP) from 2016–2022. This document outlines strategies and learnings from the program in Uganda.

Download About East Africa Youth Inclusion Program (EAYIP) Learnings
Learn more about Advancing Sustainable Livestock To Benefit Smallholder Farmers.

Advancing Sustainable Livestock to Benefit Smallholder Farmers

Heifer International advances Sustainable Livestock as part of our integrated, market-based model for strengthening smallholder households’ economic and climate resilience. This document outlines our Sustainable Livestock approach.

Download About Advancing Sustainable Livestock To Benefit Smallholder Farmers
Learn more about Advancing Climate Adaptation for Smallholder Farmers.

Advancing Climate Adaptation for Smallholder Farmers

Heifer’s climate-smart and environmentally friendly approach to supporting smallholder farmers to earn a living income from agriculture.

Download About Advancing Climate Adaptation for Smallholder Farmers
Learn more about Women’s Economic Empowerment.
A woman hands another woman money

Women’s Economic Empowerment

This fact sheet highlights how the economic empowerment of women in Nepal enables women to manage finances, own assets, save and address other barriers to financial independence.

Download About Women’s Economic Empowerment
Learn more about Gender Equality in Work.
a woman carries crops

Gender Equality in Work

This fact sheet focuses on the results of women’s agency, family support and care work in Nepal. It highlights how much decision-making power women have and the role they play in household responsibilities.

Download About Gender Equality in Work
Learn more about (Un)Acceptability of Violence.
a woman smiles while holding a plant

(Un)Acceptability of Violence

This fact sheet focuses on Heifer’s longstanding Smallholder Livestock Value Chain program’s impact on perceptions and experiences of violence, including reducing the acceptability of gender-based violence in target communities.

Download About (Un)Acceptability of Violence
Learn more about Mechanization for Africa Impact Report.
Cover of mechanization report

Mechanization for Africa Impact Report

To address the low agricultural mechanization within Africa, Heifer and its partners like Hello Tractor are increasing farmers access to technology and machinery to improve productivity and their incomes. This document outlines the challenges farmers face, solutions and impacts of increasing mechanization in countries such as Nigeria and Kenya.

Download About Mechanization for Africa Impact Report
Learn more about Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning.
MEL capacity statement

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

This document summarizes Heifer’s approach to Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL), which is fundamental for strong program design and implementation.

Download About Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

More About Heifer

Learn more about Inside Heifer.
Heifer headquarters at night

Inside Heifer

Take a look inside Heifer International — from meeting our experienced leadership and valued partners to virtually touring the offices where we work and reading our financial reports.

Learn More About Inside Heifer
Learn more about Careers with a Purpose.
Founder Dan West petting a cow

Careers With a Purpose

From rewarding work to a great work environment, there are many great reasons to work at Heifer. Get connected with exciting career opportunities around the world.

Learn More About Careers with a Purpose
Learn more about Contact Us.
arial view of Heifer headquarters

Contact Us

If you have a question or are interested in learning more about Heifer International, please reach out to us by phone, email or mail.

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A group of women and children in Bangladesh eating a meal.

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