Roses are Red, Violets are Blue...

By Annie Bergman

October 3, 2019

Last Updated: February 13, 2014

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue...

A gift from Heifer says, "I love you!"

Cute, right?

Valentine's Day infographic
Give a gift with some thought behind it. 

Seriously, though. It's the day before Valentine's Day. You've either already bought a gift or you're scrambling at the last minute to think of something unique.

Take a look at our info graphic here. Did you know 80 percent of women say that they have recieved a gift that appeared to have no thought behind it? Don't be that person.

The gift of an animal from Heifer is beyond meaningful. It shows you're not only thinking of your significant other, but of all those in the world who don't have as much. And of those who almost certainly will not have a Valentine this year. Well, look no further, my friends, because we've got some great gifts for you.

We've talked a lot about bees. They can be sweet or not (they do have stingers). But we have other gifts, too. Browse our Valentine's page for more inspiration, and this Valentine's Day, Gift Different. Gift Heifer.