A piece of land to live on

By Puja Singh

October 3, 2019

Last Updated: July 24, 2012

Last time we checked in with Laxmi was March and she had just planted mustard and lentils. Three months have passed and we went to see what new developments she had to tell us. Laxmi has harvested 54 kilograms of mustard and 78 kilograms of lentils. She also harvested 150 kilograms of wheat which she has stored for the family’s consumption throughout the year. Laxmi has planted corn now in her field which will be ready to harvest in the next three months. Laxmi is landless and has leased a small piece of land to farm. Her dream is to own a piece of land in the village of Kalleri where she lives with her husband and two children, son Bishal, now 8 years old and daughter Trishala, now 1 years old. Laxmi’s brother is helping take care of Bishal as Laxmi and her husband do not make enough money to care for him and his sister both. Laxmi had also started raising chicken. Some of the chicks were eaten by a jackal but the remaining are growing well. Her goat has not been well. The community animal health worker has given some medication that should help it get well.  Laxmi’s life is better after she received 2 goats and trainings on improved management for livestock and commercial vegetable farming.