How to Take Care of the Earth This Holiday Season

By Maegan Clark

October 3, 2019

Last Updated: November 29, 2011

As we all prepare for the holiday festivities with our families and friends, it's also an important time to continue to care for the Earth.

Recycle the Old, When you Receive the New
- Asking for new electronics this year? Don't toss the old ones out in the trash pile. If they can't be donated, then remember to recycle old TVs, computers and other electronics you won't be using. Check here to read our How To blog post on recycling electronics. 

- Don't forget about the batteries. As holiday festivities begin, don't forget to recycle your old batteries from your kids' toys and games and any remotes you use for electronics. Want to help take care of the Earth more than just recycling batteries? Use the rechargeable kind.

- Buying a gift for someone who already has one like it? Make the deal that they must donate the old gift before receiving the new gift.

Waste Not, Want Not

- In the How To End Hunger This Thanksgivingblog, we mentioned to only take what you can eat and eat what you take. Keep that same mentality during holiday parties. If you're throwing a party and you have extra food, eat it for leftovers or take it to your office to share with your co-workers.

- If you are throwing a party for the holidays, be mindful of the foods you buy. If you buy extra goods and do not use them, consider donating them to your local food bank.

Go Digital

- If you're shopping for gifts this year (other than Heifer gifts, of course) consider doing all of your shopping online. Besides avoiding big crowds, you can also help reduce fuel emissions from driving around all over your city.

- Many families send out annual holiday cards. this year, send an email instead. Cut down on the amount of paper used and thrown away by going digital instead. Receiving holiday cards? If you don't plan on keeping them, make sure you recycle them.

Remember to Unplug 

- Remember while you're traveling to visit friends and family to unplug the household items that don't need electricity while you're away.

- If you've decorated with lights on your house, use a timer on all of your external lighting decorations.

What are some things you will be doing this holiday season to take care of the Earth?