Farther Than We Could Ever Imagine

By Casey Neese

October 3, 2019

Last Updated: June 17, 2010

by Christian DeVries

Parents always want their children to have a better life. Often this is accomplished through education, allowing the next generation to escape poverty’s tenacious grip.

Maria is 14 years old and lives with her mother and father, Blanca and Miguel. Three years ago her parents received two cows from Heifer International. Maria was excited because her family could produce their own milk and cheese. She loves cuajada, a soft cheese.

Now in 7th grade, Maria is thinking about the future. She dreams that one day she might become a teacher, and her parents are confident that if she wants to go on to college they will be able to support her.

So much has changed for them since this project began. When we visited, they were excited to show us around. Miguel has bought land to expand their farm. They are building a new home, and Blanca has been participating in adult education classes. As a child Blanca only attended school until 4th grade, now she has completed 6th grade. Maria is proud of her mom. “She has gotten more developed. She is not bashful to talk to people,” Maria said.

I am always impressed by how the gift of an animal ripples across generations going farther than we could ever imagine.

Christian DeVries interviewed project participants in Honduras on behalf of Heifer International. This is the fifth in a series of posts he sends from the field. You can read his earlier posts here.