group was participating in a field school called Escuela de Campo or ECA that teach certain skills to farmers in the area.

Heifer Farmers Committed to Educating Fellow Farmers

November Impact Story

group was participating in a field school called Escuela de Campo or ECA that teach certain skills to farmers in the area.

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This month I want to share with you the experience of one family in Honduras — brothers Isauro and Carlos Reyes, and Isauro’s wife, Aryeri — whose lives have been changed by your gifts — and, in particular, by their involvement in a turbo-charged Heifer training program: Farmer Field Schools.

Farmer Field Schools are a teaching ground where farmers can try out ideas, share knowledge, identify problems and investigate solutions. Heifer — and by extension, you — trains the instructors and local farmers who guide the entire group in learning new methods to make their farms more productive and profitable.

Carlos became a Heifer field technician and learned  simple, inexpensive ways to improve production and increase income.

When Isauro later joined Carlos at Heifer trainings it was a revelation. Isauro had long felt that there were better ways of doing things; he just wasn’t sure what they were. The brothers and Aryeri, soaked up Heifer training in leadership, entrepreneurship, business strategies and production skills.


Isauro & Carlos teaching a group about how to manage grasses for fodder to increase yield per linear meter.
Isauro and Carlos teaching a group about how to manage grasses for fodder to increase yield per linear foot.

Carlos knew the path would not be smooth. At first, he says, “The way we worked, the processes we used, allowed us to live on a day-to-day basis, but not to go further.” Farming was a way to survive — hard stop. After joining forces with Heifer and taking advantage of all the training opportunities, they transformed their family’s ability to not just survive, but to thrive, as farmers.


Isauro & Carlos giving a gardening lesson. Other Farmers bring seeds to the farm to test their viability.
Isauro and Carlos giving a gardening lesson. Other farmers bring seeds to the farm to test their viability.


The Farmer Field School, located on Isauro’s farm, is a testament to the brothers’ leadership and commitment to education. As many as 40 farmers participate at any given time, with many more benefiting from the training opportunities, seed distribution and cows provided via Passing on the Gift®.


Carlos talks about corn production; using cow manure as an organic plague-icide allows corn to be grown organically which sells for more than standard corn.
Carlos talks about corn production. Using cow manure as an organic plague-icide allows corn to be grown organically which sells for more than standard corn.


The brothers use their shared herd of 12 cattle to teach modern livestock management and breeding techniques, including artificial insemination. Beyond their value as a teaching tool, the dairy cows produce plenty of milk for the family to consume and sell.


Isauro explains the production and importance of silage [stored feed] when feeding a cow. Silage can improve the milk production and the cattle’s reproduction.
Isauro explains the production and importance of silage [stored feed] when feeding a cow. Silage can improve the milk production and the cattle’s reproduction.


The brothers see many positive changes in their small community.

“Here in Erandique, 104 families have been given cows [as part of Passing on the Gift]. Through the field schools, I have helped 1,050 producers.”

In the past, he notes, there has been a lot of migration to the United States. “Now more young people are staying,” he says.

Life is far from easy for the hardworking families — but thanks to your generous support, they are able to earn enough money to cover their expenses, reinvest in their businesses and community, and save for lean times.


Aryeri gives her daughter Lucia a cup of milk. Aryeri helps Corlitos, Lucia, Aaron, and Dariana study
Aryeri gives her daughter Lucia a cup of milk. Aryeri helps Corlitos, Lucia, Aaron, and Dariana study.


With a little boost from you and other Friends of Heifer®, these ambitious young farmers have become leaders in their community. “I hope that my children will become leaders,” says Isauro. “I want to provide a good home for them, and teach them the principles of a good life.”

Aryeri agrees. “I want to educate my children above all.”


Thank You

Thank you again for your compassionate generosity, which improves the lives of people like the Reyes’, who deserve every opportunity to thrive.

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